Historical Images
Here are Some Links to Historical Imagery
Florida Department of Transportation - Surveying and Mapping Office
Florida Aerial Photography Archive Collection
Florida Aerial Photography Archive Collection (APAC) is Florida's largest collection of
aerial photography. This collection consist of over 450,000 digital images that date back to
1951 plus over 700,000 aerial photos that can date back to the 1940's.
University of Florida -
George A Smathers Library
University of Florida Map & Digital Imagery Library
The University of Florida Map & Digital Imagery Library houses the largest and most complete
collection of Florida aerial photographs (~160,000 photos) outside of the National Archives.
These photos document the dramatic changes in Florida's land use between 1937 and 1990.
University of Georgia -
Hargrett Rare Book & Manuscript Library
The Hargrett Rare Book & Manuscript Library at the University of Georgia Libraries maintains a
collection of more than 1,000 historic maps divning nearly 500 years, from the sixteenth century through the early twentieth century.
Although not limited to a single geographic subject, the collection heavily emphasizes Georgia as
colony and state, along with its surrounding region.
Off-The-Shelf Historical Aerial Photography and Orthophotography
Tobin began flying aerial photography for the oil and gas industry in 1928, prior to any
governmental agency and generally has the earliest photographs of the Gulf Coast available.
Tobin has accumulated over 2 million aerial photographs and acquire many more each year.
USGS Earth Explorer
The U.S. Geological Survey is dedicated to providing extensive data to the global science community.
However, certain data sets require additional procedures to gain access to them. For example, some commercial satellite scenes of U.S. sites are licensed only for U.S.
users. Please log in to find what additional data sets may be available.
Log on as " Guest", define area of interest and query on desired product.
If you know of a source not listed here, please tell us about it.