About the Data
A digital orthophoto quarter-quadrangle (DOQQ) is a digital image of an aerial photograph that has been ortho-rectified. DOQQs are 1-meter resolution and covers an area on the ground of 3.75-minutes longitude by 3.75-minutes latitude.
High-resolution imagery is most often 1-foot resolution and covers 5000 feet x 5000 feet on the ground. Occasionally imagery at 1/2-foot or 2-foot resolution is collected. Most counties are flown once every three years as part of a statewide cycle, with the flying season usually running from November through March. This imagery is in State Plane projection and MrSid file format.
In 2016, an updated datum (NAD83_2011), was used for aerials for some counties. In these counties, the .sid files are delivered as they came from the vendor. We cannot recreate lower generation .sid files for these images. In the past, some GIS and CAD systems cannot use higher version sids. Check the image inventory to identify the counties using the updated datum.
Aerial Links
Download Hi-Resolution Grid Cell Boundaries
For reference purposes only. These PDFs and shapefiles show the grid cell boundaries and grid
Historical Images
High-Resolution Image Inventory - What Images are Available?
High-Resolution Images
Department of Revenue's Aerial Imagery Acquisition Scheduled Fly Dates and Other Information
2004 RGB UTM Units:MT MrSID
2004 RGB State Plane Units:FT JPEG 2000
2004 RGB State Plane Units:FT MrSID
2004 RGB Albers Units:MT JPEG 2000
2004 RGB Albers Units:MT JPG
2004 RGB Albers Units:MT MrSID
2004 CIR UTM Units:MT JPEG 2000
2004 CIR Albers Units:MT JPEG 2000
2004 CIR State Plane Units:FT JPEG 2000
Fly Dates - 2004
1999 CIR UTM Units:MT MrSID
1999 CIR Albers Units:MT JPG
1999 CIR StatePlane Units:FT MrSID
1995 CIR Albers Units:MT MrSID
1995 CIR Albers Units:MT JPG
Fly Dates - 1995 and 1999